February 17-18, 1919

Excerpts from letters mailed together and dated February 17 and 18, 1919 My Dear Grace – Rec’d your letter this afternoon, some parts of it were just fine, but I see you opened up family matters again, I just wrote you a letter and tore it up so Ill try and keep off of that questions, No I have not received any Xmas box from any one this year, I guess it landed in France all right, as I received a card from [illegible] that there was a box there and also a card from Brest, that there was a box there for me, I filled out my slip and sent them back about Xmas time but, I never received either box… My there have been thousands of horses passing here all day to day, the British are shipping them home I guess… My Dear Grace – This is a nice warm morning just like it is home in May. the birds are all singing and every thing looks quite springey but perhaps in a hour or so, things will look different, I got thro’ work last night before dark which is about six o...