August 27, 1918

Excerpts from August 17, 1918: My Dear Grace - Record your letter written July 26th and Gertrude's enclosed, I just felt that I would get a letter to- day, Pat received one from Ethel, and oh Grace what a difference, she talks about being with Walt. Thirlby and that Grace Thirlby does not speak to hear and etc. You don't know how glad dear, I am that you are not that kind, I just feel so happy I have such confidence in you, I told Pat, I would be just crazy if you wrote any thing like that to me But I know I will never get a letter of that kind, I have learned to know and like Pat. more than, I ever tho't I could like a fellow, he certainly thinks every thing of "Bussy" and Robert, I went in the other morning and he was writing home crying just like a kid, I says what's the matter "old top", Oh, he says when I think of the "kids" it just breaks me all up, but he soon was all right Funny world isn't it, He has kids to cry a...