August 23, 1918

Excerpts from August 23, 1918:

My Dear Grace,

Well how are things top day. "Is there trouble any where"? is the old car still in the garage?...

Have been having a little trouble again with our boss, have made arrangements to be transferred to another Div. but it will not change my location, just give me full charge of locale warehouse as it was I was under another fellow to a certain extent.

It certainly has been 'hot' here for a few days, I tho't it got hot in T.C. but id doesn't you have cold weather there on your hotest days along side of what we have had for a couple of days...

Every thing going along over here all O.K. Rec;d a letter from harry the other day the first I have had for a long time, Pat is getting all the mail now days, for a while I had him beat, but now he is getting all of the mail...

In your last letter, Dear you still speak of razor blades + etc, I get every thing that I need here much cheaper than it can be bought in the U. S. cheaper than I could buy it wholesaley that is things like Cigretts, tobacco, Razor blades +etc, So don't worry about me I can get sox, underware, + everything...

I get a paper about once a week from home, about 2 months old but seems kinda good at that.

Well Dearie this isn't much of a letter, but just to let you know I am all right and love you more every day

Tell Count Hello,




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