October 27-28, 1918

Excerpts from letters mailed together and dated October 27 and 28, 1918

My Dear Grace –

Well darling, the mail came at last, yesterday I got three letters from you and one from Dorthy and one from Florence with the pictures, My I think the pictures are just fine… But the one I liked most was the one of you and Count, Oh I think that is just great, I wouldn’t part with the for any thing Florence had it marked “Somebody’s Pals” and they are I know both are as true as steel, that is some picture, and I am so glad you had it taken for me. Do you suppose old Count will know me when I get home?...

My mail had been sent to W. E. Foote, but I guess it is straightened out now so we will have no more trouble

My I have been so busy lately Grace, I don’t know which way to turn, our work is increasing very fast and I hope I get the other job pretty quick, as I am still all in, My cold is a lot better, than when I wrote the other day. I used the cold compresses on my throat, for the sore throat, took plenty of Bromoginan [?] +etc, and I guess I have got it under control any way. Pat and I may take a trip this week with the Ford, we have a vacation coming, we wanted to go to the front but could not get the necessary papers, so we are going to do the next best thing

I just got back from Etretat about an hour ago, took a load of stuff out, left my pen at the office, E is about 23 mi North of here, thro’ beautiful country and is one the ocean, it is one of the famous watering places of France, have some pictures, will bring when I come home, dare not send any, as it is against the rules +etc….

Lots of love darling, all I think of is you and the time when I will see you again


My Dear Grace –

Didn’t get last nights letter mailed after all, so will write a few more lines…

Am sending you a letter that I receiv’d also an invitation to dinner next Thurs. night, Oh I tell you Pat. And I are (moving in the best society) well they are very nice people and it is so nice for us to be invited out to theas nice homes, we meet such nice people, and such swell homes

The other letter is a joke, I told Miss Wheeler the other day if I didn’t get a letter soon, I wouldn’t speak to her again she is a Y.MC.A lady at Headquarters, she says, I’ll promise you that you will get a letter to-night, and sure enoughthat night, I got the enclosed letter, But not from you, I had quite a time finding out who wrote it…

Must got to supper now, am not staying at the “Pretty Hotel” now, as we can not afford it but are staying at the Y.M.C.A Hotel for enlisted men, should be able to save a little money, as soon as I get squared around…

Feeling pretty good to-day. – Lots of love




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