May 13, 1918

Note: this is the only letter in the collection written to Will. Why it survived when no others did remains unclear.

May 13 - 1918

Dear Will: -

I just received a letter from mama in which she sent me your address, so I am writing you tonight. I suppose but this time you are in France, and I am wondering if you and Ralph will be together. Yu will certainly have many interesting experiences before I see you again - but perhaps you may feel like writing to me sometime and I shall be glad to hear from you.

I think if I were a nurse I might be on my way to France also - perhaps I could even learn to be one before the war is over.

How time flies and how things change! It seems that the whole world has changed since I left home - and of course, in a business way, this war has made conditions entirely different. I must tell you that I am now floor-walker on the second floor. Can you imagine me?

I want to run up home in a couple of weeks if I can - and I'll surely miss you but I'm proud to know you are helping Uncle Sam to fight his battle. It will mean fighting - but we will win. I think of you many times and how kind you have always been to mama - and I shall think of you over there and wish you the best of luck.

Yours sincerely,


408 No. Franklin.


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