May 17, 1918

Excerpts from May 17, 1918:

My Dear Grace -

I just had Pat. so made he didn't know which way was up, he said he would of went at it and licked me if he tho't he could do it, but he didn't think he dared try if, You know I was to have an interview this A. M. and Pat this P.M., Well when I came back, I says to him I am going to Paris to-morrow and work in a Warehouse, eh says what about me. I says you stay here, and then I kept telling him about Paris + the fellows & Etc, he was just about crazy, well after while I told him that I hadn't had my interview yet, well then he was mad Ha! Ha! but you see I can handle him so, I should worry,

It was pretty hard to see the fellows leave yesterday for France, as they were our bunch, but we will go later

I wish I was good at writing letters and could tell you all the wonderful rights, I don't like London - I love it. New York & Chi, are not in it and the people, well the Americans can never be like them, if you lose any thing here or leave it, you don't have to worry you will get it when you go back

I would say 98% are honest, Pat and I know as we have had some experiences.

At the Y.M C. A headquarters there are a lot of toys, and wooden work that is just wonderful made by the 'Hun' prisoners but I don't think I will buy any thing more now.

Was out at Hamton Court yesterday afternoon, it is just wonderful an old Castle of the Kings + Queens, and out away from London, where it is wild, every thing green and butiful, on the river Thames, while I was there from 3 untill 11 P.M. I did not get to see only a small portion of it, I was out in the green fields and woods all along thinking of you ad know how you would enjoy it, Trees hundreds of years old, & Etc...

No Pleasure cars are allowed to be run in Eng. went down and got our Meat, Sugar + butter cards this A. M.

I could use a thousand Camel cigarettes to very good advantage every Month. tell Ed Gilbert to send them to me every Month, not that I will smoke them but it gives you an entering wedge with the American fellow's...

Lots of love and kisses



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