July 3, 1918

Excerpts from July 3, 1918:

My Dear Grace -

We we are trimming up for the 4th, The old warehouse looks like a Circus tent, I just bought a flag for my room cost me 12 Fcs or about $2.40 and if I had bought it in T.C. I think it would cost about ¢60 or ¢70.

The French people are trimming up the town in great style, they are all going to close up tomorrow and celebrate the 4th with us then the 14th we are going to celebrate their big day with them, I don't know what its for, "but I am willing to celebrate"

In my last letter I told about losing my rain coat and this time I must tell you about losing my pen, don't know what it will be next time, I am using Pats pen to write this with.

Well they just came and got my flag from the office and it is up on the highest "stack" smoke stack in the town, in fact the highest place in the town 
they paid me for it, but I am going to give them their money back and bring the flag home as a relick to keep, wouldn't you?

Can't do much work this afternoon, as they are having a pre 4th celebration out in front. all the big guys in the town...

Did you say gassoline was high 28¢ a gal, yes that is high to bad you have to pay so much, I am using gass in my ford that sells for $2.38 a gal. but the Y.M.C.A. or Uncle Sam is paying for it, how would you like to buy gas at that price,

No Grace don't send any Magazines, as we get them here about a Month late, thru the Y. and don't send the insoles now, as these army shoes are just fine for your feet
I am not having any trouble with my feet at all, Army shoes for me, when I get home, even if they do look big...

No I guess there is nothing I need Grace I can get, Razor Blades here, Cigretts, lights & very thing I need in that lime, all I want is letters with lots of love in them...

my best, 



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