July 12, 1918

Excerpts from July 12 and 14, 1918:

Mr Dear Grace -

Haven't heard from you for over a week, but am expecting a bunch of mail any day now.

I did not get a chance to go to Paris, a Miss Rand. went instead she is a Y.MC.A lady who has been here for quite a long time and her home is in Paris, she has been driving for the 'Y' I am taking her place when I am not busy with my other work. We expect her back in a few days

Nothing new has happened, a fellow on a Motorcycle hit my car last night, and cut his ear quite bade, I have first aid and took him to hospital, Went and looked up the records this A.M and the French police do not blame me at all, I didn't see how they could as I was on the right side of the street and he was on the wrong side, and going like the dickens, My car was running very slow and I rather think was stopped at the time he hit me, and I had a load of Y.MC.A fellows coming back from an entreatment the Princeton Quartet and Dr. who is with them, so I have plenty of witnesses, But it is sure some job to drive over here, as they go any old way the trouble is, this town is about (well its crowded)

I guess the censor will let that get by.

Don't know any thing much to write about, you might be interested in my room

I am living on the third floor on Rue Naude No. 35, this house same as all the houses here was no doubt built 150 yrs ago, out of stone, I can look across the street about 16 or 18 ft. into other rooms, a French Dr. lives across the street and he has two beautiful daughters about 12 and 13 yrs old, I got some candy to day and I threw them some of it lemon drops wrapped in tishew paper, This is the first candy I have had since I arrived in France, I bought it at the American canteen, Well I started out to tell you about my room naturaly I have a bed, "and its a pretty fair bed, nothing like I have at home, but it don't bother me any to sleep on it," in one corner 'Iron,' a round writing table in one corner with Ink stand +etc, my trunk us is on the same side, Fire place, on the next side, nothing to put in it, or never will have, on the mantle to night I have your picture, Harrys, Dorthys Bobys, Pats, John Plante and Glen Davis. also a bx of cigars, Cigrietts, pipes +etc. / two chairs*, a Wash stand*, +etc, quite a few pictures on the wall, in fact its quite homey I also have a closet to keep my clothes in, so when I get here I pretty well fixed up, do not know how long I will be here, as I am liable to go to an other town, some of these days

*Not on the Mantlle

Pats room is next to mine, I forgot to tell you that, and we are just about in the center of the town, about 6 blocks from the Green, we take a walk down there every time we have a chance at night...

I did not send that 50.00 for three days after I told you I would so it may be a little late, Hope your money worries are over Gee some of these fellows over here have the 'doe' get 150.00 or $200.00 a month besides their salarys well I would rather be handsome than rich

Haven't got a rain coat yet, guess I will send to Paris, they only want 175 Fs. for a rain coat about $35.00, I don't like the price I think I can get one from the Y.MC.A Headquarters for less and perhaps one issues to me...

Do you want me to bring a nice French baby home, or a Begian baby, you can have your choice, I prefer the French orphans, now this is no joke, let me know what you think about it

Well I must get up 2 hrs. earlier to -morrow so I guess I had better quit and go to bed

Lots of love Grace,

From Your



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