July 14, 1918

July 14, 1918:

My Dear Grace -

Don't feel much like writing to night as Pat. has written to Ruth and must of told her all about to-day, She will tell you or you will read the letter and he can tell you so much better than I can. But it has been a very eventful day for me.

Thousands of people are so glad the Americans are here they wear our colors with theirs all to-gether, when you see one you will see the other, and flags, well we don't know what flags are in our town.

The presentation of Medles of honor to wounded solders +etc was very impressive tears came to my eyes, quite often, and then we saw widows all dressed in black. who had lost their husbands in this awful war, given a few words of comfort, Thats about all they can possible get in return for loseing their loved ones that was very sad, as it touched them very deeply and there were many men that would silently wipe away a tear, But it was all so big, and grand, can't tell you much, you know, But it makes you feel and know how much the French people have suffered, it also makes you like them the more to see how brave they all are, and they do applaude the Americans.

I am going to send you the Stars and Stripes for July 12th, be shure and red it thru read about the 4th in Paris you will get an idea of part of the parade we had here to-day it was not all sad, But it was very impressive, I never saw any thing like it in my life, I might say that the soldiers are not allowed in Paris very much

Our boys certainly look fine

It is raining to-night, in fact it has been for the past few days, But it is not quite so dirty after a rain on the streets

Haven't received a letter since July 4th 10 days ago and I guess I write you about every other day

I am sure of one thing Grace France and the U.S. will never have a fight, not under any circumstances in this or the next generation, as I am sure the Americans will all love France and France certainly loves the Americans, I have been doing quite a lot in the country and it is wonderful crops are fine couldn't be better

Pat and I were out to lunch to-night and just in our salad, we had the following fruit which is all ripe here now. and has been for two weeks Peaches, Red Rasberries, Wild and Tame Straw Berries  Goose berries, Apracots, I think that was all, also had some good cream Pat no doubt told Ruth about it

Love Love



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