July 20, 1918

Excerpts from July 20, 1918:

My Dear Grace - La Havre

I wrote you a few lines last night, but I was rather tired and it was late, I had just got thro work. But to=night I was thro at 7:30 and instead of going for a walk or anywhere, I tho't I would write you a letter

The first thing I want to tell you Grace, is how much I think of Pat. We have now been to-geather over three Months, and there has not been a cross word between us that I know of and that is saying a lot, when two fellows are to-geather as much as we are,

He has been just fine seems to be looking out for me all the time and when I was in Paris, Grace I don't know what I would of done if it hadn't been for Pat. He certainly is a great fellow, I never knew him untill, I came on this trip, Now just for instance he is always doing something like this, yesterday it looked like rain, I was down on the docks checking out a cargo of stuff and he sends over his rain coat, by a kid about a mile, and says he tho't perhaps I might need it. and its something like that every day,

We expect a "blow up" here some day, and when it comes they will have to talk to both of us, as we are just the same as married, Well I just wanted to tell you that you've got a swell brother, and it took quite a lot of paper to do it.

I noticed in your letter that I got yesterday, that you would be in good shape if you just had 50.00, Well I beat you to it as it has been sent at least two weeks ago. I suppose about the time you were writing for it, I was thinking of sending it to you, so Dearie thats one time, you didn't have to ask me for money...

Don't try to send me anything Dear, as I have every thing I want Safty razors blades + etc, All I want is you...

I am keeping a diary Grace and have every since I left home...

You see Dear I get letters where the car is running find and then about a week after that comes letters, which I should of gotten 2 weeks before, talking about all your troubles you had getting it or trying to get it,...

As you know our boys made a big gain yesterday and to-day just wait untill we do start I don't see what on earth cam stop them, I am impressed more every day that the U.S. is the bigest nation on Earth, and they certainly know how to do things

The dinner you and for Tee and Vaily, or that day, don't make me sore, as we have every thing but the, cake, and I guess I told you I had a nice piece of watermelon

You won't have to study much French to catch up to me as, I haven't broken out yet and I guess I won't, if I am as busy as I have been lately...

I have a Ford again to use when I want it, But unless I am in a big hurry I had rather take a street car, as I certainly don't like to drive in this burg,...

I got the long looked for letter from Mabel, she was going to write me every week three months after I left home I get one letter and then she wanted to know if she was a "slacker" I am going to tell her when I write that she is what I call a "slicker"...

Your letters dear are never censored, the only letter I have had censored is the letter I got from W. Schroder his name was on the outside of it.

I forgott to tell you last night, that I also ave the P- a little yet to-night they are quite bad, but I have been doing some quite heavy work t-day, and that always makes me worse But I am feeling better than usual, when I am home, eat 3 good squares every day

I suppose you will have some time reading this letter, as I have been writing quite fast,

How do you like my pictures, When are you going to send yours, are you going to give it to me when I get home like Mabel does with here letters

Not a very newsy letter, But the news will have to wait, Guess I will go in and tuck Pat in bed, and go to bed my self

Keep the home fires burning

I suppose you will have money enough for your berries to buy a new car, that is by trading the old one in.

I would kinda like a new car when I come home...

And Grace I love you more and more every day, I realize more every day what a grand girl, I got when I married you.




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