September 11, 1918

Will enclosed a few pages from the August 18, 1918 edition of the magazine Over Here in his letter.

Excerpts from September 11, 1918:

My Dear Grace -

I received a nice long letter from Mr Musselman yesterday, he said you were quite thick with the Governor of Michigan, I tho't you would be going around with some one before I got back and as you see I have friends back home who are keeping track of you, and keeping me posted, so it behooves you to walk the straight and narrow path, Well I guess I can stand it if you were out with hime one night as Mr Musselman says he is about 60 yrs old +etc...

...I washed the collar of my dress uniform the other night and when it dried it was all wrinkled up and I have been unable so far to make it look good at all, I guess I will have to buy a new one, as this has several small holes in it & etc., There are times when one should try and fix up in A 1 shape, If I get to go to Paris, this week, I will look like a scarecrow with that uniform on, But I feel that I should go now, as I want to see Joe. and I have two or three other little matters to look up.

Yes I am bout over with the 'itch' it did not last very long, and we have plenty of American dentists with the American Army, I got my tooth fixed all O.K. no charge.

Well I see the new draft law has gone into effect, I am D - glad of it, now a lot of thoes guys that were going to do so much if they were younger, will get a chance, This will get a lot of guys like Joe Oberlin, you see we also get the latest gossip over here...

Well I am glad I am over here, and beat them to it, I rather think now Grace I will stay untill the finish, But can't tell, we will see in six months more what things look like

this ink in this pen is rotten, Ralph received a letter from 'Busy' with just one cake of sweet chocolate in it, He is going to take it home with him and they will eat it to-geather -...

You know Grace it rains over here every few minuts, The Sun will be shining and not a cloud in sight, and in about ten minutes, it will be raining to beat the band, every body around here went out for a walk about half an hour ago, the sun was shining and every thing looked fine, now it is raining like the dickens, they all had on their swell togs, they will all look like my uniform when they get back.

I have had the Stars and Stripes sent to you direct from paris, so you should receive a copy every week...

Lots of Love


Now the sun is shining, and in about five minutes it will be raining again



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