September 6, 1918

Excerpts from September 6, 1918:

My Dear Grace -

Have a few moments so will drop you a few lines. Just got thro' talking with Joe. Nelson over the phone he is in Paris,...

I have been given full charge of the local ware house, and am going to paris this week to fix up some matters, also to get supplies for the boys in this Div. and I told Joe. I would come and see him, he was certainly glad to hear that I was coming to Paris...

I expect to go and regester for the new draft, sometime this month, But I understand that the boys in the R.C., K.C, or YMCA will be placed in a class that is not subject to call at once,

However if it wasn't for the question of money for you, I would just as soon be in the Army, as in the Y. work altho I do feel, in my new position that I am doing more to help, then if I was a private in the ranks. Now that the draft is taking more of the older fellows, I wish that I could of taken the examination for the Officers training Camp when I was called, While the work int eh U is great work. and the boys all praise it very highly, you often think that perhaps they wonder why you haven't got a gun on your back and are not up in the front lines. The only satisfaction I have is that I tried to get into the Officers Reserve and it was impossible for me to go on account of Mother and then I have the satisfaction of knowing that, I got into the Y work, long before they talked of drafting to 45 +etc I would think that boys going the Y. now, would feel a little bit guilty

I like my new work very much Grace as I am my own boss. except for the Chief, and he leaves it all to me he has 23 Sec. under him and he is one fine fellow, they don't make them any better and I am sure he likes me, so every thing is working out very good for me, This is a regular job, I have now and I expect will heave to have more help as the work keeps encreasing... I sit here in my office I can look out across the country to beautiful green hills, woods, fields, pretty old stone houses, and it is hard to believe that with in a few miles, people are killing, killing and killing, every thing looks so quiet and peacful, But then if I look nearer the office, I can see War War every where, German prisoners by the -- soldiers + etc, mustn't talk along that line, but there certainly is two different views

I have been given a Ford, expressly for my own use, so I can get around to various places much easier, I have always had a car, but I had to ask for it, now I have this one assigned to me, for my personal use, so I feel quite content to day I don't know how things will be to-morrow as things are changing very fast over here...

I saw a girl on the street to- day Grace that made me think of you, in fact she looked very much like you, she wore her hair quite low on her neck as you used to, I was int he car, going quite fast, but I that to - my self my she looks like Grace, I do not know whether she was French, English Belgr or what perhaps you have a twin over here If I see her again, I will find out...

Lots of love Grace If I every get home I will love you to death, you will wish I was back over here



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