October 16, 1918

Excerpts from October 16, 1918

My Dear Grace –

Well little girl I have not heard from you for nearly two weeks, what is the matter, Pat is getting letters from Ethel and she has spoken about you so I know you are well, so that is all that realy matters, I know the letters will come sometime, just got on the wrong boat or something, I no doubt will get five or six when I do get them.

Am on the last six months to-day Dearie my I am glad, for when my year is up I can come home if I want to, and I rather think I will want to, the way I feel to-day…

I have been given another Sec. to help me in my work over here as it is growing very fast as you noticed in the report I sent you this monthw ill be larger than last by quite a few 1000 Fcs. This fellow is kind’a of a wise guy, but I guess he will get in line, If he don’t I’ll just kick hom out and they will send me another he has been with me about four days and I think he is doing better every day so no doubt we will get on all right

It kinda looked a day or so ago as if we might have peace soon, But, I am glad it didn’t turn out that way, as we all want to see the Hun licked for good

There is nothing new to write about dearie Oh yes I was going to tell you about the horses over here Grace, They are just wonderful, “Normandie Horses, supposed to be the finest draft horses in the world and they sure are the finest I ever saw so big and strong most all stallions, and the French certainly use them fierce, as a rule, it certainly makes one boil to see some D- F Frenchman licking the tar out of a great big nice horse that is trying to do all it can, they load them something awful, One horse over here Grace, draws a load that a team could hardly draw back home and, they are loaded that way all the time, it si wonderful the work that they do, you can’t help but like them as they don’t any of them seem to have a mean streak in them at all. I certainly will never forget the wonderful horses of France, and I will always feel sorry for them, Our horses do not compare with the horse over here.

Yes and I can tell you about the different kind of hats, I mean I will try as I could never tell you all the different kinds I see. Hats like Napoleon wore, [drawing], The Fess [drawing] Red wore I can’t begin to tell you but, If one takes to looking just for different inds of hats and caps you certainly can see any kind that you ever or tho’t of seeing [drawings] I guess I will quit trying to draw pictures of hats or the censor will think I am trying to pull something, so you see I haven’t the skill t tell you about how these different hats from all over the world look like, but it is mighty interesting, and I only wish you could see some of the things worn for head gear…

Regards to your Father, and tons of love to you



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