October 18, 1918

Excerpts from October 18, 1918

My Dear Grace –

Well dearie it has been two weeks to-day and no letter I just figure they have my mail balled up with some other Foote a I have had mail for a N. A Foote from Mass. But perhaps I will get a letter to-night or to-morrow

I have changed my mind, or the boys all have and I am enclosing a Christmas package Coupon, while I would rather have the letter, that I spoke about, perhaps you will have something you will want to send me, the only thing I can think of now, is a nice big piece of that fig cake you make and I know that would all be dried up by the time I got it, or you might send a “banana pie,” any thing dear will be fine, just to know you put it in the box for me…

Rec’d a nice long letter from Bert Goffer a few days ago, he says there is lots of Spanish Fleu in the U.S., he lost one of his best friends, a room mate.

Now dearie I don’t know what to send you for Xmas, I know of lots of things I would like to send, but I am as usual hard up, and the duty is about as much as the goods cost in the first place, so it won’t be very much, I am just going to send you a letter chuck full of love from start to finish

Am wearing all my heavy underwear and heaxy sox now, as the office is quite cold and have a fire at night in the fire place Paid for the window I broke 13 Fcs. The poor stiffs Pat and I are going to move out as soon as we can find some other rooms, that we are all right.

Get good news from the front all the time and perhaps by Xmas we will all have a Xmas present by the news of peace,…

Love Love

Your Will


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