October 27-28, 1918

Excerpts from letters mailed together and dated October 27 and 28, 1918 My Dear Grace – Well darling, the mail came at last, yesterday I got three letters from you and one from Dorthy and one from Florence with the pictures, My I think the pictures are just fine… But the one I liked most was the one of you and Count, Oh I think that is just great, I wouldn’t part with the for any thing Florence had it marked “Somebody’s Pals” and they are I know both are as true as steel, that is some picture, and I am so glad you had it taken for me. Do you suppose old Count will know me when I get home?... My mail had been sent to W. E. Foote, but I guess it is straightened out now so we will have no more trouble My I have been so busy lately Grace, I don’t know which way to turn, our work is increasing very fast and I hope I get the other job pretty quick, as I am still all in, My cold is a lot better, than when I wrote the other day. I used the cold compresses on my throat, for t...