Excerpts from July 20, 1918: My Dear Grace - La Havre I wrote you a few lines last night, but I was rather tired and it was late, I had just got thro work. But to=night I was thro at 7:30 and instead of going for a walk or anywhere, I tho't I would write you a letter The first thing I want to tell you Grace, is how much I think of Pat. We have now been to-geather over three Months, and there has not been a cross word between us that I know of and that is saying a lot, when two fellows are to-geather as much as we are, He has been just fine seems to be looking out for me all the time and when I was in Paris, Grace I don't know what I would of done if it hadn't been for Pat. He certainly is a great fellow, I never knew him untill, I came on this trip, Now just for instance he is always doing something like this, yesterday it looked like rain, I was down on the docks checking out a cargo of stuff and he sends over his rain coat, by a kid about a mile, and says he ...